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Are you guys Mens(dash)weddingbands too?Updated a year ago

Absolutely not. We are not and never have been associated with this company. Third party scam websites appear to classify them as Scammers. See HERE.

And not to brag, but our third party trust score on that same website is 100/100!

Please always check the "terms and conditions" section of the website for any company before buying, to avoid being scammed. Also look for reviews and the logo on the product photos, to be sure they are that company's product. While we have a few friendly competitors, there are also a lot of copycat scammers out there. Manly Bands = Reputable American company, with a manufacturing facility employing US workers. Mens-weddingbands = who knows? There are several other sites of this kind, which appear to be coming out of China. Choose wisely, my friends.

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